sábado, 22 de junho de 2013
Nova Seção
Foi criada uma nova seção chamada "Otserver" na qual serão postadas links, downloads etc, para otserver.
[DICA]Como repotar por MageBot
Nos dias de hoje veem se mostrando que o que verdadeiramente resulta em bans são os reports, portanto, forneço aqui modelos para vocês reportarem outros players que estejam usando magebot:
Text #1:
This player is using unofficial software. He is throwing worms and gold coins under himself non stop, faster than anyone can do with hands. He is using speed hack, auto haste, and auto mana shield. You should look into his bot because it is clear he uses one.
Text #2:
I think this player is using some kind of bot, because he is healing at the same HP always, using a speedhack which gives him a huge advantage over other players. Cipsoft staff should investigate over this player and will find for sure he is a botter.
Text #3:
Please investigate this player, because he and his teammates are using some feature they call "Navigation" to make HUGE syncronized combos, even if someone is hopping stairs, the combo keeps going, without even getting the target on the attacked player.
Text #4:
This player uses an illegal tool to play, his bot allows him to hunt while not being anywhere near his keyboard, his bot also lets him dash, which allows him to run faster than normal,anti-iddle, which lets him stay online while not touching the keyboard.
Text #5:
He's using some illegal feature called "anti push" to stack worms and gold under his feet extremely fast, he's abnormally fast too for a player of his level, and he heals automatically right after he gets hit, with the most efficient healing spell depending on the damage, even while he's chatting with other players, that doesnt seem to interrupt his typing.
Text #1:
This player is using unofficial software. He is throwing worms and gold coins under himself non stop, faster than anyone can do with hands. He is using speed hack, auto haste, and auto mana shield. You should look into his bot because it is clear he uses one.
Text #2:
I think this player is using some kind of bot, because he is healing at the same HP always, using a speedhack which gives him a huge advantage over other players. Cipsoft staff should investigate over this player and will find for sure he is a botter.
Text #3:
Please investigate this player, because he and his teammates are using some feature they call "Navigation" to make HUGE syncronized combos, even if someone is hopping stairs, the combo keeps going, without even getting the target on the attacked player.
Text #4:
This player uses an illegal tool to play, his bot allows him to hunt while not being anywhere near his keyboard, his bot also lets him dash, which allows him to run faster than normal,anti-iddle, which lets him stay online while not touching the keyboard.
Text #5:
He's using some illegal feature called "anti push" to stack worms and gold under his feet extremely fast, he's abnormally fast too for a player of his level, and he heals automatically right after he gets hit, with the most efficient healing spell depending on the damage, even while he's chatting with other players, that doesnt seem to interrupt his typing.
domingo, 16 de junho de 2013
[Dica] Sites Úteis
http://www.pskonejott.com/otc_display.php -> Ver tempo online dos players e das guilds.
http://www.tibiastat.com -> Várias estatísticas do Tibia, por exemplo, Exp diária dos players.
http://www.tibiaibot.com -> Site oficial do Ibot, cuidado pois existem outros que são parecidos com este, mas são falsos.
http://tibiaredbot.com.br/ -> Site oficial do Redbot
http://www.tibiadb.com/ -> Site oficial do Magebot
http://www.tibiawiki.com.br/ -> Enciclopédia do Tibia, com todas informações de quests, monsters etc
http://www.tibiastat.com -> Várias estatísticas do Tibia, por exemplo, Exp diária dos players.
http://www.tibiaibot.com -> Site oficial do Ibot, cuidado pois existem outros que são parecidos com este, mas são falsos.
http://tibiaredbot.com.br/ -> Site oficial do Redbot
http://www.tibiadb.com/ -> Site oficial do Magebot
http://www.tibiawiki.com.br/ -> Enciclopédia do Tibia, com todas informações de quests, monsters etc
[Tutorial] Evitar ban usando IBOT.
Atualmente todos bots estão dando ban, alguns mais outros menos, o Ibot que é o bot mais utilizado também atualmente veem sendo detectado. Para tentar EVITAR os bans o dono do Ibot deu algumas dicas:
Como tornar o bot mais seguro(não é 100% de chance que não será banido, apenas diminuirá):
.Minimizar a quantidade de tempo que você gasta com bot na account, nenhuma pessoa real consegue caçar horas e horas seguidas.
.Evitar usar bots em vários chars na mesma conta
.Evitar scripts que contenham bugs, e por exemplo, fica spameando "hi"
.Evitar ficar AFK e responder as pessoas que falam com você, pois os reports são já provadamente um grande fator para se levar um banimento.
OBS: Normalmente quando a pessoa começa a caçar em respawns lotados e fica bastante afk, ela toma ban.
.Evite minimizar o client.
.Evite utilizar bot num mesmo lugar por muito tempo.
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